Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Training recap week #37

Monday I did my Q1 training which included 2 x 10-minute threshold intervals with a 2-minute rest in between, followed by 80 minutes of easy and then another 15 minutes of T-pace. I actually covered more ground than I expected considering the warm up and cool down and also that I based my run on duration and perception rather than speed (I didn't have my Polar footpod). Later on, I mapped my route and discovered I ran 19 miles!

On Tuesday, I rode the stationary cycle for 20 minutes, had a deep tissue massage to work out a knot in my left shoulder, and finished up with some upper body strength exercises. It felt good to be doing a variety of exercises...

Wednesday was my Q2 training. 10 minute warmup followed by 5-minute intervals with 30-second rests in between. I was supposed to do 8 intervals, but I opted take some time to stretch and also not overdo it before Sunday's marathon - that I am doing as a training run (see my wee #36 post).

I took the rest of the week easy in preparation for the Montreal marathon. On Sunday I ran the first 9 km at a leisurely pace with members of Team in Training. I then proceeded to accelerate to my target race pace and maintained it for about 24 kilometers. I felt good and strong for most of it. It was a real boost to my confidence that this training plan is paying off. For the rest of the marathon I linked up with a first time TNT participant and told her I would coach her in to the finish. She was already in the "bite me" zone at the 33 km marker, so alot of encouragement was required. I really enjoyed coaxing her along and sharing plenty of little motivational tricks along the way. We did slow down on the last stretch, but for those who know the Montreal marathon course, this is not uncommon with the long incline up Pie IX street. Nonetheless, we reeled in at least 30-40 runners in the last 9 km and that is always fun!

Total weekly mileage : 81 km

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