Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Training recap week #12

Sun 22 Mar - no run today. Took the girls skating then we picked up some breakfast burritos at McD's on the way home. It seems the sausage is a bit spicy for them so I ended up eating more than my share...too bad for me, not. We played outside - it was a gorgeous spring day - and I swept all the winter sand out of our driveway. It actually half-filled the garbage can! I couldn't pick it up afterward, it was so heavy, so I dragged it to the curb. After lunch we played a bit of tennis on the Wii (Chloé is pretty good. She managed to find a way to deliver really fast serves and aced me a few times!). In the evening I stretched and massaged my legs. I'm starting to feel that knot in my shoulder much more.

Mon 23 Mar - no run today. I had my first of a series of sports massages instead. Marie-Eve worked her magic on my shoulder and calves. Felt like a million bucks afterward.

Tue 24 Mar - was supposed to do a Q1 training today but I had to drop off and pick up the girls so I worked through lunch instead. Probably a good thing, my throat is sore. I have been taking echinecea for the last couple of days and I think this is the worst it's been since Sunday evening. I stretched while watching TV tonight.

Wed 25 Mar - Nose is still runny but throat isn't sore anymore. I did my 6x800 Intervals today and I felt stronger than ever. Total 8 km. My heart rate didn't even go past zone 4. I am sure I could have gone faster and did more interval but I have to trust the training plan (according to Jack Daniels) so that I can train another day. I am definitely seeing progress though and during my training today I had visions of beating my PR. That's always a good thing! Afterward I did some core exercises and chin ups and headed back to the office.

Thu 26 Mar - 9 miles race pace today. Felt good, did some AIS calf stretches afterward.

Fri 27 Mar - 7 km TT run today (10 km total).  It was hard to keep myself going at this pace.  I had to play mind games to keep going - 5 minutes to sip of water, 50% done, 60% done, 12 minutes to go, etc.  Funny how these tactics actually work.  You would think I owuld know better, but hey, whatever works.  I was happy I pushed through it at the end.

Sat 28 Mar - no run today.  We had a busy social calendar this weekend so I am not feeling guilty about skipping the long runs this week.

Total weekly mileage : 35 km

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